MCQs on Lichens

MCQs on Bryophytes

  1. The symbiotic association of algae and fungi is known as
    • (a) Lichens ✅
    • (b) Mycorrhiza
    • (c) Coralloid root
    • (d) Rhizobia

  2. Helotism is a
    • (a) Mutualistic symbiosys
    • (b) Master-slave association ✅
    • (c) Parasitism
    • (d) Predation

  3. A common phycobiont in lichens are
    • (a) Boletus
    • (b) Oedogonium
    • (c) Trebouxia ✅
    • (d) Cephaleuros

  4. Lichens are
    • (a) Fast growing-short lived
    • (b) Fast growing-long lived
    • (c) Slow growing-short lived
    • (d) Slow growing-long lived ✅

  5. Which of the following is not an asexual reproductive body in lichens?
    • (a) Isidia
    • (b) Cephalia
    • (c) Soredia
    • (d) Sporodochia ✅

  6. Sexual reproduction in lichens is carried out by
    • (a) Algae
    • (b) Fungi ✅
    • (c) Both
    • (d) None of the above

  7. Growth rate of lichen is
    • (a) Few milimeters per year ✅
    • (b) Few centimeters per year
    • (c) Few meters per year
    • (d) None of the above

  8. Lichens growing on tree trunks are called
    • (a) Saxicolous
    • (b) Terricolous
    • (c) Corticolous ✅
    • (d) Lignicolous

  9. Lichens with hanging or erect fine branches belong to
    • (a) Crustose
    • (b) Foliose
    • (c) Leprose
    • (d) Fruticose ✅

  10. Most of the lichens are pollution indicators of
    • (a) SO2✅
    • (b) CO
    • (c) CH4
    • (d) NO2

  11. Lichens are pioneer community in succession of
    • (a) Psamosere
    • (b) Lithosere ✅
    • (c) Hydrosere
    • (d) Halosere

  12. Hawan-samagri contains
    • (a) Fungi
    • (b) Algae
    • (c) Lichens ✅
    • (d) Mycorrhiza

  13. Reindeer moss is
    • (a) Parmelia
    • (b) Usnea
    • (c) Cladonia ✅
    • (d) Graphis

  14. In India, curry poweder contains
    • (a) Parmelia ✅
    • (b) Hematoma
    • (c) Cetraria
    • (d) Peltigera

  15. Litmus, an acid-base indicator is obtained from
    • (a) Parmelia
    • (b) Evernia
    • (c) Peltigera
    • (d) Roccellla ✅

  16. Who is father of lichenology?
    • (a) Erik Acharius ✅
    • (b) D D Awasthi
    • (c) Anupam Dikshit
    • (d) D K Upreti

  17. Who is father of lichenology in India?
    • (a) Erik Acharius
    • (b) D D Awasthi ✅
    • (c) Anupam Dikshit
    • (d) D K Upreti

  18. Rock-flower is
    • (a) Parmelia ✅
    • (b) Evernia
    • (c) Peltigera
    • (d) Roccellla

  19. Which lichen is used for strengthening hairs?
    • (a) Lobaria
    • (b) Parmelia
    • (c) Usnea barbata ✅
    • (d) Roccella

  20. Which lichen is used to treat hydrophobia?
    • (a) Peltigera canina ✅
    • (b) Roccella montegnei
    • (c) Parmelia saxatilis
    • (d) Parmelia pustulata

First published on 01-06-2021
Last updated on 01-06-2021

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