MCQs on Bryophytes

MCQs on Bryophytes

  1. Bryophyta differ from pteridophytes in being
    • (a) Non-vasculature ✅
    • (b) vasculature
    • (c) sporophytes
    • (d) Seeded

  2. Which of the following bryophytes are saprophytic?
    • (a) Marchantia
    • (b) Funaria
    • (c) Buxbaumia ✅
    • (d) Riccia

  3. A characteristics feature of bryophytes is -
    • (a) A small sporophyte phase, which is dependent on the gametophyte ✅
    • (b) A dominant and parasitic sporophyte
    • (c) A dominant and spore producing gametophytes
    • (d) Sporophytes stay for a longer duration

  4. The antherozoids of Funaria are
    • (a) Aciliated
    • (b) Monociliated
    • (c) Biciliated ✅
    • (d) Multiciliated

  5. Spore mother cell in bryophytes are
    • (a) Haploid
    • (b) Diploid ✅
    • (c) Triploid
    • (d) Tetraploid

  6. Nourishing tissue surrounding the spore producing tissue in a young sporangium is:
    • (a) Sporocyte
    • (b) Spore mother cells
    • (c) Archesporium
    • (d) Tapetum ✅

  7. Theory of progressive evolution of sporophyte of bryophyta was advocated by
    • (a) Bower ✅
    • (b) Kashyap
    • (c) Campbell
    • (d) Rashid

  8. Bryophyte used as Calcium minerals indicator
    • (a) Octoblepharum
    • (b) Pleurozium
    • (c) Plagiochasma ✅
    • (d) Sphagnum

  9. In Anthoceros, the sporogenous tissue is derived from
    • (a) Amphithecium ✅
    • (b) Endothecium
    • (c) Archesporium
    • (d) Tapetum

  10. In Pogonatum, how many pyramidal teeths are present in the peristome?
    • (a) 8-16
    • (b) 16-32 ✅
    • (c) 32-64
    • (d) None of the above

  11. Which of the following is known as 'bogmoss'?
    • (a) Sphagnum ✅
    • (b) Funaria
    • (c) Physcomitrium
    • (d) Pogonatum

  12. The protonema is a stage in the life cycle of
    • (a) Chara
    • (b) Riccia
    • (c) Marchantia
    • (d) Funaria ✅

  13. If the leaf of funaria has 6 chromosomes the primary protonema will have
    • (a) 3
    • (b) 6 ✅
    • (c) 12
    • (d) 24

  14. Peat moss is used for transporting plants to distant places because
    • (a) It is hygroscopic ✅
    • (b) It reduces transpiration
    • (c) It serves as a disinfectant
    • (d) It is easily available

  15. In mosses, meiosis takes place during
    • (a) Gamete formation
    • (b) Antheridia and archegonia formation
    • (c) Spore germination
    • (d) Spore formation ✅

  16. Bryophyta is a connecting link between
    • (a) Algae and fungi
    • (b) Fungi and Pteridophytes
    • (c) Thallophyta and Pteridophyta ✅
    • (d) Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms

  17. Father of Indian Bryology is
    • (a) Iyenger
    • (b) Maheshwari
    • (c) Butler
    • (d) Kashyap ✅

  18. The first land inhibitant plants are
    • (a) Algae
    • (b) Bryophytes ✅
    • (c) Pteridophytes
    • (d) Gymnosperms

  19. Last stage of gametophytic generation in Bryophytes is?
    • (a) Gamete ✅
    • (b) Zygote
    • (c) Spore
    • (d) Spore mother cell

  20. Largest bryophytes is
    • (a) Marchantia
    • (b) Funaria
    • (c) Megaceros
    • (d) Dowsonia ✅

First published on 25-05-2021
Last updated on 25-05-2021

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