Distribution of photosynthetic pigments

Photosynthetic pigments

During the process of photosynthesis, light energy is converted into the chemical energy. Light energy is captured by the photosynthetic pigments. Photosynthetic organisms have a variety of light absorbing pigments, therefore, they can absorb a wide range of wavelength. Most of the photosynthetic pigments absorb only specific wavelength of visible light, while reflecting others.
Three major classes of photosynthetic pigments, their appearance and absorption wavelength is listed in the below table.
ChlorophyllGreenblue and orange-red
CarotenoidsRed/Orange/Yellowblue-green and violet
PhycobilinsBluish or ReddishGreen to red

The absorption wavelength and appearance of a photosynthetic pigment can be easily understood with the help of color wheel. In color wheel of split spectrum of visible light, a photosynthetic pigment appear just opposite to the color which it absorbs maximum.
VIBGYOR color wheel
VIBGYOR color wheel showing opposite color of absorption and appearance

For example: a pigment which absorbs maximum in the region of red appears green and so on.

Distribution of photosynthetic pigments

Photosynthetic pigmentsDistribution
Chlorophyll aAll photosynthetic plants, except bacteria
Chlorophyll bHigher plants and green algae
Chlorophyll cBrown algae and Diatoms
Chlorophyll dSome red algae
Chlorophyll fStromatolites
Bacteriochlorophyll aPurple and green bacteria
Bacteriochlorophyll bPurple bacteria
Chlorobium chl aGreen sulfur bacteria
Chlorobium chl bGreen sulfur bacteria

CarotenesAlgae and Higher plants
XanthophyllsAlgae and Higher plants

PhycocyaninsBlue Green algae and Red algae
PhycoerythrinsBlue Green algae and Red algae

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